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  • 资源简介:YOTTA-從科幻場景走入影像敘事
  • 详细描述


    1 Reasons and ideas for using OC.mp4
    Lesson 1 Introduction to Octane
    1 Reasons and ideas for using OC.mp4
    2 Install OC and get the latest news.mp4
    3 Five useful tips for OC.mp4
    4 Tailor-made the most convenient interface.mp4
    5 Rendering settings analysis.mp4
    Lesson 2 Material
    10 Mix Material.mp4
    11 Say goodbye to UV hell.mp4
    12 Dynamic map.mp4
    6 Things you must know about materials.mp4
    7 Diffuse Material.mp4
    8 Glossy and Metallic.mp4
    9 Specular.mp4
    Lesson 3 Lighting
    13 Things you must know about lighting up.mp4
    14 Use Octane Light.mp4
    15 Volumetric light and fog Part.1.mp4
    16 Volumetric light and fog Part.2.mp4
    17 Volumetric light and fog Part.3.mp4
    Lesson 4 Octane Camera
    18 Introduction to Octane Camera.mp4
    19 Use Octane to make FB 3D & 360 photos.mp4
    Lesson 5 The way of video narration
    20 A brief discussion on composition and my experience.mp4
    21 color.mp4
    22 The lens language of camera and fixed lens.mp4
    23 Simple Screenplay Theory Checking Method.mp4
    24 Inspiration.mp4
    Lesson 6 Case Practice and Advanced Skills-Signboard
    25 Signboard production part 1.mp4
    26 Signboard production part 2.mp4
    27 Signboard production part 3.mp4
    28 Scene implementation one preliminary 3D draft.mp4
    29 Scenario Two Preliminary 3D Draft-2.mp4
    30 Scene implementation three start material.mp4
    31 Scene four input DAZ character model.mp4
    32 Scene five complete the main structure and material.mp4
    33 Scene implementation six increase scene details.mp4
    34 Scene Implementation Seven Kitbashing the Scene.mp4
    35 Scene implementation eight adding scene details 2.mp4
    36 Scenario 9 Crime Scene-C4D Cloth Simulation.mp4
    37 Scene implementation ten adding scene details 3.mp4
    38 Scene implementation eleven adding scene details 4.mp4
    39 Scene implementation twelfth increase scene details 5.mp4
    40 Scenario 13 Making DECALS with Transparency.mp4
    41 Scenario Fourteen Fine-tune the produced scene.mp4
    42 Scenario 15 Use Scatter to make raindrops.mp4
    43 Scene implementation sixteen rendering settings.mp4
    44 Render the scene with PASS post-production in AE.mp4
    45 Scenes rendered in TOPAZ STUDIO post-production.mp4
    46 OC common problems.mp4
    47 Fog settings commonly used by teachers.mp4
    48 Render Xparticle and Turbulence FD.mp4


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