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  • 资源简介:帅山姆先生-山姆流利口语(入门进阶)
  • 详细描述


    10_10 元音[].mp4
    11_11 元音[].mp4
    13_13 元音[e_].mp4
    24_24 [sp] [st] [sk].mp4
    25_25 辅音[f] [v].mp4
    26_26 辅音[s] [2].mp4
    27_27辅音[8] [e].mp4
    28_28 辅音[][].mp4
    30_30 辅音[tr] [dr].mp4
    31_31辅音[ts] [dz].mp4
    32_32 辅音[h].mp4
    34_34辅音[m] [n] [].mp4
    35_35辅音[w] [i].mp4
    36_36 辅音[1].mp4
    37_01 单词的音节.mp4
    38_02 单词的重音.mp4
    39_03 辅音与元音的连读.mp4
    41_05 辅音与辅音的连读.mp4
    42_06 同化.mp4
    43_07 弱读.mp4
    100_11 表达喜好和需求.mp4
    101_12 有关数字和时间.mp4
    102_01 Keep your chin up .mp4
    103_02 Get sth. out of one's syste.mp4
    104_03 Get someone the cold should.mp4
    105_04 Get cold feet .mp4
    106_05 Find one's feet .mp4
    107_06 Play it by ear.mp4
    108_07 Off the top of someone's he.mp4
    109_08 By the skin of one's teeth.mp4
    110_09 Bite the bullet.mp4
    111_10 Stab someone in the back.mp4
    112_11 See eye to eye.mp4
    113_12 An eye for an eye.mp4
    114_13 Hands down.mp4
    115_14 A perfect storm.mp4
    116_15 Break the ice.mp4
    117_16 On thin ice.mp4
    118_17 The tip of the iceberg.mp4
    119_18 On top of the world.mp4
    120_19 Make a mountain out of a mo.mp4
    121_20 Go with the flow .mp4
    122_21 Get the wrong end of the st.mp4
    123_22 Beat around the bush V2.mp4
    124_23 The elephant in the room.mp4
    125_24 Take something with a pinch.mp4
    126_25 Put all one's eggs in one b.mp4
    127_26 Have a lot on one's plate.mp4
    128_27 Bite off more than you can .mp4
    129_28 Kill two birds with one sto.mp4
    130_29 Can't have your cake and ea.mp4
    131_30 Give someone a taste of the.mp4
    132_31 Walk on eggshells.mp4
    133_32 In a nutshell.mp4
    134_33 Not for all the tea in Chin.mp4
    135_34 Put a sock in it.mp4
    136_35 A bone to pick.mp4
    137_36 Food for thought.mp4
    138_37 The pot calling the kettle .mp4
    139_38 The finishing touch(es).mp4
    140_39 Get the hang of sth. .mp4
    250_05. The Man and the Serpent.mp4
    251_06. The Town Mouse and.mp4
    252_07. The Wolf and the Crane.mp4
    253_08. The Wolf and the Lamb.mp4
    254_09. The Sick Lion.mp4
    255_10. The Frog and the Ox.mp4
    256_11. The Fox and the Grapes.mp4
    257_12. The Ant and the Grasshoppe.mp4
    258_13. The Wolf in Sheep's.mp4
    259_14. The Shepherd's Boy.mp4
    260_15. The Young Thief and His Mo.mp4
    261_16. The Tortoise and the Birds.mp4
    262_17. The Goose With the Golden .mp4
    263_18. The Wind and the Sun.mp4
    264_19. The Hare and the Tortoise .mp4
    265_20. The Fox and the Goat.mp4

    百度网盘分享地址: 链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1S6cMtfwghqEVC4vKKpHh8A?pwd=5bdd 提取码: 5bdd